What We Do


The Biblical Institute of Zagreb was established in 1999 to prepare leaders, provide resources, and promote cooperation in the Croatian churches. We are a unique opportunity for you to invest in the work of God’s Kingdom, because we carry out our mission in very specific countercultural ways.

Imagine living in a country where Bible-believing Christians are outnumbered 99-to-1; where they are passed over for promotions, or are sometimes shunned by family and friends because of their faith in Jesus. In this place, the Biblical Institute prepares the 1 to share and live out the gospel for the 99.

Imagine being a believer in a place where people tend to compete instead of cooperate, where hard economic times and the effects of communism and oppression have taught people to jealously guard resources. In this place, the Biblical Institute promotes cooperation by involving multiple churches and organizations in everything we do, and by living out Romans 12.10, “Outdo one another in giving away honor.”

Imagine being a Christian in a place where people expect leaders to be dictatorial, and are suspicious of those who show initiative; a place where few church members feel invested in their churches’ ministries or the ownership of their spiritual gifts. In this place, the Biblical Institute teaches and models servant leadership, imitating the leadership style of Jesus, so that people discover and use their spiritual gifts to serve others and to own the ministry God prepared for them to do (Ephesians 2.10).